The mandate of the ALSF is to provide legal advice and technical assistance to African countries in the structuring and negotiation of complex commercial transactions, creditor litigation and other related sovereign transactions. The ALSF also develops and offers a wide range of original products and tools for capacity building and knowledge management. Membership to the ALSF is open to all sovereign nations and international organizations or institutions.
Our Goal: The goal of the ALSF is to remove asymmetric technical capacities and level the field of legal expertise among parties to litigation and negotiations. The Facility provides legal advice and capacity building to African countries on vulture fund litigation, complex commercial negotiations and related sovereign transactions. Through all of its activities the Facility aims to build additional legal capacity on the African continent.
Our Mission: The mission of the ALSF is to provide legal advice and capacity building to African countries on complex commercial negotiations and related sovereign transactions and vulture fund litigation.
Our Values: The ALSF is founded on the values of respect for the rule of law, equity, transparency, and good governance. These values are grounded on its African ‘character’ as the ALSF is partner of all African countries and respects the diversity of the continent. ALSF’s team is committed to uphold ethics, accountability excellence, professionalism, probity and a team working spirit.
About the Lightbulb Journal
The Lightbulb is a journal of the African Legal Support Facility (ALSF), an African Development Bank affiliate. The journal aims to inspire African-rooted conversations about energy project development in Africa. It seeks to engage government officials, state-owned utilities and the public to identify the primary issues that affect energy projects across Africa. The journal is intended to work as a tool to help governments in African states (especially transitioning states) to (i) expand their capacity and understand their specific energy sector needs, (ii) create an enabling environment to attract energy sector investors to transitioning states, and (iii) encourage these governments to request the ALSF’s support for specific projects in the energy sector.
Plot 10 Longonot Road
Upper Hill
P.O Box 4861-00200
Nairobi, Kenya
339 Witch-Hazel Avenue
Eco-Park Estate
Centurion 0144
South Africa
What is the Lightbulb journal?
You can find more about the Lightbulb and the African Legal Support Facility (ALSF) on our about page.
Who is the target readership of the Lightbulb journal?
The target primary readership of the Lightbulb is African governments, especially in transitioning states. The ALSF defines transitioning states as countries that are only eligible for grants from the African Development Fund (ADF) and categorised as “ADF-Only Countries” by the African Development Bank.
That said, the Lightbulb seeks to push the conversation within the African market about the key issues that affect energy project development across the continent. Hence, each article will also be relevant for developers, local and international financiers, development institutions, other market participants and Africa-focussed lawyers.
How does the ASLF’s energy sector contribute to solving Africa’s energy gap?
The ALSF is proud to participate in Africa’s efforts to close the energy gap by supporting innovative and cutting-edge technologies which will push Africa towards the forefront of the global energy transition.
The ALSF supports African Governments to structure and negotiate energy projects across the technology spectrum, including geothermal, coal-bed methane, and renewable sources such as wind, solar photovoltaic, hydropower and green hydrogen. The ALSF is currently supporting several states in negotiating their first independent power producer (IPP) projects and is also advising on the structuring and negotiating of IPP projects in over 30 countries across the continent.
The ALSF would be pleased to support your energy project. Please email us at [email protected] to discuss how we can assist and cooperate with your government.
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